Three Reasons to Join AAF (American Advertising Federation) at UNI

The American Advertising Federation (AAF) is the only national organization that includes members across all disciplines and career levels in the advertising industry. In addition to professional chapters all across the country in every major metropolitan area, AAF also has hundreds of college chapters – including one right here at UNI. The wide professional network of this organization is but one reason to join AAF while at the University of Northern Iowa.

If you’re a UNI student with a passion for advertising, digital media, and creative ideas, here are three big reasons why AAF is the best student organization for you.

3. You will expand your network of industry professionals if you join AAF

AAF-UNI visiting global agency VML in Kansas City

Why wait until after you graduate to get to know professionals in the advertising industry?  At AAF we believe in making connections now.

  • You’ll visit advertising agencies in Cedar Falls, Waterloo, Cedar Rapdigital, Des Moines, Minneapolis and Chicago.
  • You’ll hear guest speakers from local and regional advertising agencies, tech firms, design studios, and digital agencies.
  • You’ll get to hear a panel of ad pros speak about how they got into the industry at our annual “Meet the Pros” event.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to attend a career fair in Chicago sponsored by global ad agency Leo Burnett.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to learn about advertising internships – including the Stickell Internship program.

2. You’ll work on real advertising campaigns when you join AAF

The district-winning 2015 Pizza Hut NSAC team from UNI. We placed 13th nationally!

The highlight of our year is working on a national ad campaign for a big name client through AAF’s National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC). NSAC is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss out on. This year, we’ll develop a multimillion campaign for Wienerschnitzel Hot Dogs and pitch it in Kansas City at the District competition. Past clients have included:

  • Pizza Hut
  • Nissan
  • Snapple
  • Ocean Spray Cranberries

1. You’ll make lifelong friends and meet cool new people when you join AAF

The award-winning 2017 Tai Pei NSAC pitch team.

AAF-UNI gives you the opportunity to start making valuable professional connections across a multitude of disciplines that will be beneficial in your career in advertising.

At real ad agencies, creative designers work in teams with business analysts. Social media marketers work with copywriters. AAF gives you the opportunity to work with UNI students in other majors who you’ll likely be working with in the future!

Last Thought

If you think a career in advertising sounds like a blast – you should know something: It is. But you should also know that it’s a tough industry to get into – and you’ll need the experiences, professional contacts, and opportunities that AAF provides to get your foot in the door.

Bottom line: Join AAF!

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